Old Testament Exegesis Course (Prof. Daniele Garrone)

Old Testament Exegesis Course (Prof. Daniele Garrone)


October 20, 2021 - February 2, 2022


every Wednesday










Prof. Daniele Garrone



What profit has man from the toil with which he toils under the sun? (Qoh 1,3)


Complete reading of Ecclesiastes or Qohelet


Old Testament exegesis course



The book of Qohelet or Ecclesiastes continues to raise questions. Is it a collection of disparate and juxtaposed sayings without a development of thought? Or, on the contrary, does it present an articulate reflection on the meaning of human life? How to evaluate the figure and positions of the author? Was he a skeptic? A realist? Or did his lucid vision of human reality lead to a belief in the possibility of happiness? What role does his thought play within the Bible?

The course proposes an integral reading of the text of Qohelet, on a translation gradually elaborated in the lessons of Hebrew II. It is therefore accessible even to those who do not know Hebrew.




Antonio Bonora, Qohelet la gioia e la fatica di vivere, LoB 1.15, Queriniana, Brescia 1987.

William P. Brown, Qohelet, Claudiana, Turin 2012.

Norbert Lohfink, Qohelet, Morcelliana, Brescia 1997.

Serafino Parisi, Qohelet. Introduction, translation, commentary, San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo 2017.

Gianfranco Ravasi, Qohelet, Mondadori 1997,Paoline, Cinisello Balsamo 1988.

Elsa Tamez, Qohelet ovvero il dubbio radicale, Claudiana, Torino 2005.

José Vílchez Líndez, Qoèlet, Borla, Rome 1997.





Every Wednesday from 18.00 to 19.30, except November 30, when the lesson will take place on Tuesday.


20th October

27th October

November 3rd

November 10th

17th November

November 24th

November 30th

December 15th

December 22nd

January 12th

January 19th

January 26th

February 2nd



The access credentials must be requested to the secretariat at the time of registration.


Attached you will find the course poster and registration form.